What's the one thing you’d want to change in the world?

Ok, today I've got a question: if you could change one thing for the next 7 generations, what would it be??  

One massive magical ripple. What stone would you throw? 

image via Giphy

For me, it would be making it so society valued teaching and embracing emotional intelligence (EQ) from a young age because from where I'm sitting, it's the one thing that touches everything

 EQ is just a another way of saying the skillset that allows ALL HUMANS TO…


 ✔️ feel and release emotions — no stuffing, no thinking ourselves into oblivion, no shame or blame, no having it blow up. Just feeling, dealing, and healing

✔️ KNOW in our BONES that others’ emotions are IN NO WAY a responsibility or reflection of us — and respond in love accordingly

✔️say, “no” joyfully and free from obligation, fear or guilt (no more bullying ourselves into doing things only to later feel depleted and/or resentful!) 

✔️say, “yes” joyfully and free from obligation, fear or guilt (no longer repressing who we are)— this is not over-indulging but rather finding ways to say YESES that align with our values and needs ie: yes you can buy that thing — after we save for it. A “yes and…”

✔️respectfully dissent and hold space for both our opinions and those outside our own

✔️accept criticism and take responsibility for our impact and creative adaptive change (hello, global climate solutions) 

✔️move courageously toward what we want even when it scares us or we fail at it the first few hundreds times!! (think: more creativity, more brilliance, more beauty in this world!)


 And that’s a totally non-exhaustive list!! 

Like, can you imagine HOW DIFFERENT the world would be if EQ was collectively taught and valued from a young age? 

Holy cow.

Things would NOT be the same.

Consent is EQ.

Bodily autonomy? EQ.

Non-violent problem solving? E-the-fuck-Q. 

 I spent five years working with 3-6 year olds in the Montessori classroom developing these skills (while simultaneously taking allllll the lessons home and slowly, surely integrating them into my life) and my life was forever changed by it. That’s why so much of my art and work circles around themes of emotional intelligence and mental health.


So I gotta know — what's one thing you would change seven generations out?!

Drop it below because I genuinely give AF and wanna know you more! 

AND if you wanna practice EQ skills while receiving
beautiful art in the mail??

Our savor art subscription is enrolling for season three of the fun!!

As you set your intention for each piece, you’ll have the chance to…

…connect with yourself and your emotions

…hone in on your authentic yeses and nos and

…be concretely supported as you move with intention in the direction of your dreams 

Click here to learn more & enroll today!


confessions from a recovering (and I say this with love) control freak


Three Questions to Ask When Deciding to Invest in Original Art